domingo, 17 de febrero de 2019

Carnival is coming soon. Let's watch this video and learn more about it

1) How many countries celebrate Carnival?
Fill the gap: More than ________________________ countries celebrate Carnival.
2) Where did Carnival begin?
  • In Greece.
  • In Egypt.
  • In Rome.
Put the words in order: (quaresma). before Carnival Lent a is feast
4) How did Carnival spread across Europe?
Put the words in order: across Europe. spread Christianity Carnival
Match the items:
Carnival went from Egyptto Brazil.
Carnival went from Greeceto Rome.
Carnival went from Europeto Greece
Fill the gap: Brazilian Carnival is a mixture of European and ________________________ culture.
7) How many tourist go to Rio for Carnival?
  • One thousand.
  • One million.
  • Nine-hundred million.
  • Fifteen.
8) Where is the island of Trinidad?
  • In the Caribbean Sea.
  • In North America.
  • In South America.
  • In Mexico.
9) What place in India has Carnival?
  • New Delhi
  • Mumbai
  • Goa
  • Taj Mahal
Put the words in order: Mardi is in Gras. Carnival called NewOrleans
11) What city in Canada has a winter carnival?
Fill the gap: ________________________ has a winter carnival.
12) What is Carnival?
Put the words in order: Carnival global is celebration. a

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