
A letter to Santa, una ficha interactiva de victor

Christmas Cryptogram
Christmas time quiz, una ficha interactiva de mada_1

RbEn 6. Listening Practice 3c Trip to London at Christmas Time

The greatest gift 
Christmas 2016

Lily and the snowman. 
Christmas advert

The Pink Panther 
" A very Pink Christmas"

1) What is the weather like?
2) What is the pink panther holding?
3) What is the boy holding?
4) What are the people doing?
5) What colour is the car?
6) Does the pink panther have enough money?
7) Who wants the car?
8) Who is big nose dressed as?
9) What colour are the christmas trees?
10) Does he make the tree cheaper or more expensive?
11) How does the woman feel?
12) What does the boy put on the tree?
13) What does the boy look like?
14) What does the boy want?
15) What is the boy dressed as?
16) Who are the men with the pink panther?
17) What does big nose sell?
18) What does big nose steal?
19) What does the pink panther give to the boy?
20) How does the boy feel?
21) Why is he sad?
22) Who does big nose look like?
23) Where does the money go?
24) What does the Pink Panther buy instead of the car?
25) What does the Pink panther give to big nose?

                    Christmas Stories.                       

       A funny Christmas Story

   Now answer the following questions

Christmas vocabulary


Singing Christmas Hedgehog

Mr Bean at Christmas!!

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